Corowa Public School

Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

Telephone02 6033 1606

NSW-Victoria border permits expire 21 August

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All current day school visitor permits will expire at midnight on Friday 21 August.

The recent amendment to the Public Health Order announced on 7 August indicated that all border permits will expire at midnight on Friday 21 August. All Victorian border residents including students and staff will require a new border permit to attend school from Monday 24 August.

Border zone residents can apply for a new permit to enter NSW to work or attend school in the border zone. Eligible staff and students should make sure they have obtained a new border zone permit before midnight on 21 August 2020. Applications can be made online through Service NSW.

All Year 11 and 12 students and HSC teachers who live outside the border zone will be eligible for an exemption to the Public Health (COVID-19 Border Control) Order 2020, as long as they have not been in a restricted area (such as greater Melbourne) or another area of concern in Victoria within the previous 14 days. Information on the Victorian restricted areas can be found on the Victorian Health and Human Services website. The exemption will be in the form of an Authority to travel letter.

NSW public schools will provide an Authority to travel letter to all Victorian Year 11 and 12 students and HSC teachers on Friday 21 August. Students and staff issued with the Authority to travel letter will need to carry a copy of the letter with them at all times. Parents or guardians transporting Year 11 or 12 students will also need to ensure that they carry a copy of the letter when transporting their children to and from a NSW border school. Parents can contact their school to obtain a copy of the letter.

Students enrolled in a School for Specific Purposes will be eligible for a special permit through the NSW Government website.

Other staff and students who live outside of the border zone in Victoria and who are not eligible for the specialist school permit will not be eligible to enter NSW to attend school once their day school visitor permit expires, unless an exemption has been granted by the NSW Minister for Health.

Students and staff not eligible for a border permit or exemption will be supported with remote learning and working until they are able to return to learn or work on campus. Affected families should contact their school to confirm their local arrangements to support remote learning.

Children and their families who are affected by the removal of the day school visitor pass may be considered for an individual exemption. An application for an exemption will be considered.