Corowa Public School

Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

Telephone02 6033 1606



Corowa Public School extra-curricular activities and projects are generously supported through community and government grants. The funds provide teaching and learning programs, school infrastructure and enhancements to the school outdoor environment.

Students are active and involved in all projects which provide exciting and diverse learning opportunities and experiences.

Our projects include:

The Kids Shed, $48,000 funded by NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund, is a community resource for young people to experience and learn new skills in a social setting.

Before and After School Reform provided $30,000 to establish a fully functional school kitchen café to support before and after school care.

Memorial Garden grant of $24,000 funded by NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet to develop a memorial garden to contribute to students’ understanding of Australia’s wartime heritage and honour the service and sacrifice of its service personnel.

Worms, Waste, Wicking and Water is a garden project focused on upgrading our school’s Sunshine Gardens. Funding of $15,000 through NSW Department of Education Sustainable Schools Grant, this project aims to teach students sustainable gardening practices and become future guardians of our planet.

Arts Unit NSW Department of Education Minister’s Arts Recovery Grant of $7,500 supported Indigenous artist workshops and totem painting. This activity supported student learning promoting an understanding and awareness of First Peoples cultures and lifestyles and their contributions to Australian society. The totem art project promoted and recognised the significance of Indigenous culture, history, and art throughout our Yindyamarra Gardens.

In 2023 Corowa Public School became a member of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program to deliver pleasurable food education. Kickstart Grant of $5,000 provided garden, kitchen and curriculum resources focusing on growing healthy food, cooking tasty meals, and forming positive food habits for life. 

PROJECT ROCKIT workshops provided our Stage 2 and Stage 3 students with tools for maintaining positive relationships with others, building resilience, and staying safe on technology. An online forum provided parents and carers support to discuss social media, cyberbullying, and tips to empower young people to have positive online experiences.

Grant funding of $4,675 was provided by the NSW Government through the NSW Children and Young People Wellbeing Recovery Initiative.

Yindyamarra Garden, $3,500 funded by ECO Schools NSW, is a sustainable outdoor classroom providing a natural environment and indigenous perspective for teaching and learning. 

Native Garden to beautify the school entrance was funded by the NSW Teachers Federation $500 grant. The garden includes native shrub and groundcover habitats designed to attract birds, butterflies and encourage insects and small animals.

The Grow It, Cook It, Sell It project was funded through Australian Primary Principal’s Association and ASIC (Australian Securities Investment Commission) incorporating Moneysmart a teaching and learning resource focused on financial literacy. The $3,000 funding provided five wicking garden beds, teaching resources and cooking equipment for our schools Kitchen Café.

Roots & Shoots Project $1,000 funded by Dr Jane Goodall provided opportunities to revegetate our school’s environment area with native trees and shrubs and install squirrel glider boxes. The focus was to encourage gliders back to the area by planting a natural corridor to connect habitats.

Murrumbidgee Local Health District supported our school in 2020 with $500 funds contributing toward fresh cooled water stations for students. Our school community supported this project with a walkathon which raised $9,500. MLHD provided $1,000 in 2021 to install four wicking garden beds to support our school’s water waste initiatives.

Students get a lot of use out of the cooled water station during recess and lunch.

Woolworths Junior Landcare 2021 funded $1,000 to support the restoration and development of natural habitat in our school’s environmental area.

Woolworths Junior Landcare 2022 supported our schools ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ project with $1,000 grant to purchase colour coded recycling bins.

Woolworths Junior Landcare 2023 grant of $1,000 supported our schools ‘Flower Power’ project. The aim was to incorporate flowers into our food gardens to create a beneficial garden using companion planting.

Woolworths Junior Landcare 2024 grant of $1,000 supported our Habitat Ecosystem Restoration project in the school’s environmental area. The aim of this activity was to restore native plant life and introduce water saving strategies to our school’s environmental area natural habitat.

National Science Week 2021 funding of $400 purchased a greenhouse and equipment to support seed propagation.

National Science Week 2022 funding of $500 purchased resources for student activities using magnifying glasses and kaleidoscopes.

National Science Week 2023 funding of $450 provided resources for students to become hands-on capturing and using wind energy to learn how renewable energy technology works. 

National Science Week 2024 funding of $350 supported a Protecting our Pollinators initiative. We aim to incorporate flowers with our fruit and vegetables to create beneficial gardens to ensure species survival of insects and bees.

Environmental Outdoor Classroom $750 funded by Charles Stuart University in 2020; this area includes native plants and student seating to provide an alternative to the classroom.

Sensory Garden $1,000 grant funded by Charles Sturt University in 2021 provides our special needs students with an alternative setting to support their learning, improve social skills, and promote vibrant and stimulating sensory experiences using a range of tactile resources.

In 2022 The 000 Program was supported by Charles Sturt University $1,000 grant funding to purchase sports equipment and challenge games.

Our First Nations History through Stories and Art $1,000 reading resources funded by Charles Sturt University in 2023 supports First Nations teaching and learning educational opportunities.

In 2024 Charles Sturt University Health and Wellbeing Program $1,000 funding supported a powerful and thought-provoking speaker. The innovative and inspiring sessions provided primary students and their families with the tools and knowledge to manage mental health and wellbeing together with effective strategies and ideas to address self-talk and self-awareness.

Community plant giveaway using biodegradable peat pots was supported by Kids Helpline and Bupa Foundation grant of $1,000. Students propagated and grew seeds and cuttings in biodegradable peat pots as an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic pots resulting in community ‘plant giveaways.’ This project provided students a sense of ownership, personal achievement, and satisfaction of giving back to the community. It supported student well-being, promoted positive self-esteem while creating a positive link between students and the environment.

Halve Waste Albury Wodonga supported the school with a $900 grant providing food waste subpods for the school grounds.

In October 2023, over eighty-five community members attended our school’s first ‘Open Garden Event’. Visitors enjoyed a walk around the various themed gardens followed by a delicious morning tea. We acknowledge Federation Council who provided $1,250 funding support for morning tea catering.

NAIDOC grant of $1,000 supported 2019 theme Voice. Treaty. Truth. Resources to support Aboriginal Cultural Day activities included giant Indigenous murals, puzzles, board games, dominoes, sand art and large outdoor mats.

NAIDOC grant of $935 supported 2020 theme Always was, Always will be. Funds supported History of First Australians Our Stories Reader Kits 1, 2 and 3 together with giant wall murals.

NAIDOC grant of $582 supported 2021 theme Heal Country. Teaching resources, paints, and supplies supported totem painting in the Yindyamarra Garden to raise and promote awareness of First Nations and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture.

NAIDOC grant of $750 supported 2022 theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!  All students used natural fibres to create a woven raffia bracelet to inspire and raise awareness of Aboriginal culture. Clapping sticks, traditional Australia Aboriginal instruments were purchased to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2022.

NAIDOC grant of $1,000 supported 2024 theme Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud. Funds supported NAIDOC Day activities with three mega craft packs filled with over six hundred Indigenous designed and inspired activities.

The school is supported annually with funding and resources from Sporting Schools, Corowa District Landcare, Corowa Community Gardens, and local businesses to support educational, environmental, and sporting initiatives and projects.

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